Amongst tears,whispers and echoes.
Last I laid amongst a sea of doubt as tears traced the silhouette of my pillows.
•sifting through a multitude of thoughts that created a painting to abstract to make sense./
•fingers skimming across every thought hoping to get a glimpse,but still nothing.
•you see my current mindset is a kolidascope of hopes wishes and wants./
Selfish as it may be,it's vital for the person whom I am to become.
•that role model. That father figure who figures the figuratively I am their super hero.
•it's hard when literally,I need saving.
I mean what is one to do when the one person destined to save you needs saving./
•I hear a cry from a distance. A plea for help. A faint cry from the corner of my mind that's there,but is never to be heard.
•a cry never to develop into a thought or understanding.
A cry that's silenced by a choice democratically agreed up as if this faint cry was on the ballot during an election./
•I mean though the cry is at arms reach,my superior hero abilities won't allow me to fly. It won't allow me to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
•they won't allow me to move at the speed of light or reverse time or to reach out with one arm as a signal to let that cry know that I hear you./
•again, I sit her in full super hero attire. Draped in a cape of tears,a mask of fears and a suit of doubt and do nothing.
•simply because I can't. I want to but I can't.i need to but I can't. I should but I won't. Simply because this hero needs saving himself and that cry was just a distant reminder.