Monday, November 25, 2013

Life love and music

•as thoughts fill my head I can't help but allow my emotions to fill this page./ lost in transition I sit,spent from the pressures of this day./
•I, often wonder am I good enough. Am I trying hard enough,or is my enough simply not enough./
•lost in translation as I try to figure out life love and music./ though the love of my life is music,now a days she just doesn't kiss me the same./
•those 808's just ain't hitting the same./16's aren't sitting right,but despite it all,it sits right on tempo./
•my heart is the metronome's echo which let's me know,that the timing is perfect./
•so rather than just let go, I keep a hold on her./ fights are fights.battles are won and lost,but that doesn't take away from one's passion to fight.
•So the beat drops. Still on tempo regardless of my life's off set drum pattern./ the verse starts and again,on tempo despite the flow being awkward./
•Life,LOve and MusIc./ the love of my life is music./ because music allows me to see that,no matter how fucked up life may seem, love is always right on time-tempo-metronome.


  1. Well said. You write amazingly! I love it

  2. I do agree fully good sirrr...
    Music, to me, is the muzzle that muffles the loud screams of life's insanity...
